
I started reading 'The Big Sleep,' by Raymond Chandler today, so far so good. On the first page of acclaim for the book Joyce Carol Oates said, "The prose rises to heights of unselfconscious eloquence, and we realize with a jolt of excitement that we are in the presence of not a mere action tale teller, but a stylist, a writer with a vision."

Bill Evans Trio is playing.

This game looks beautiful. From team ICO (Ico and Shadow of the Colossus)


I went to the beach for a few days. While I was there I read Log Of The S.S. The Mrs Unguentine by Stanley Crawford while watching the ocean; listened to David Bryne and Brian Eno's Everything That Happens Will Happen Today: both of which are moving.


I finished reading kafka On The Shore by Haruki Murakami. It's very well paced, beautiful, deep, and moving. A dream within a dream. Hoshino the trucker is my favorite.


I've been enjoying tea lately, specifically chamomile.

It's a good feeling when someone says something nice about you, especially when it's on Amazon. The person mentions that they found typos in my story distracting, that is unfortunate because to my knowledge the typos only existed in a small number of the books that were printed as 'proof' copies and perhaps accidentally packaged and shipped with the final print of the book. Who knows? Anyway, the comment was nice.

Have a nice day.